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Collect on Bad Checks Quickly to Avoid Running into the Statute of Limitations

Not all people write bad checks with malicious intent. In many cases, the writer simply made a mistake balancing their checkbook. And, they are horrified to learn they have written a bad check. These people often quickly resolve these circumstances, and they typically pay the amount due as soon as they are able. However, there are times when you must take action to collect on bad checks.

Unfortunately, some writers of bad checks are fully aware that they do not have sufficient funds to cover the amount. This requires the business owner to take more drastic actions as they seek out payment for the goods or services provided. So, if you have bad checks you are looking to resolve, it is important to move quickly. There is typically a statute of limitations when you collect on bad checks.

Statute of Limitations on Bad Checks in Georgia

Unfortunately, most states have a short statute of limitations in place that applies to collecting on bad checks. In Georgia, the statute of limitations is two years. This means that, if you are trying to collect on a bad check written to your business, you only have two years to collect the debt.

How to Collect Quickly on Bad Checks

Two years seems like plenty of time to collect on a bad checks. On the other hand, you will be surprised to find out just how long it can take to collect on unpaid debts. And, the best way to move quickly is to hire a professional debt collection agency. Most importantly, an agency will have the resources necessary to aggressively collect on unpaid debts.

As a business owner, there are a limited number of strategies you can use to collect on bad checks. However, a debt collection lawyer can file suit, elevating your collection efforts quickly, before the statute of limitations has passed.

So, if you are in Atlanta or the surrounding areas, contact us today. You can begin working with a lawyer at Howe & Associates Debt Collection Attorneys immediately.