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Tag: Demand Letter Process

Demand letters are the first step to collecting a bad business debt in the state of Georgia. Richard, a managing partner of Howe & Associates has a system that they have refined from over 30 years experience to collecting debts with demand letters.

Whenever we get a new debt collection claim we always set up the claim in our system and conduct a thorough investigation. We will then send a series of demand letters.

We will always send an initial demand letter to the debtor to let them know that we’ve been retained by the client. We will also send an acknowledgment letter. In those investigations we will determine assets that we will be able to attach with our judgment.

The series of demand letters that we send really depends on each case. We make demand calls. We want to talk to the debtor and find out exactly what their intention is with regard to payment.

We will also send a series of demand letters which will help us determine a lot of things. This could include the debtors interest in wanting to amicably take care of the debt or help us determine they are going to avoid it and we should just go on ahead and file suit on it.

The demand letter process in the collection overall process is very important component in debt collection.