Are you struggling with collecting unpaid judgments after winning a lawsuit? Obtaining a judgment is only half the battle. Getting the debtor to repay you is sometimes the most challenging part. Ideally, the defendant would hand over the money right away. But too often, debtors refuse to pay. Here are some of the top four issues faced when trying to collect:
The Debtor Can’t Afford to Pay
Why don’t debtors pay back judgments as soon as possible? Many times, they simply don’t have the money on hand. Depending on the verdict, the debtor could owe a few hundred bucks to over a hundred thousand dollars. For many, that’s not pocket change. Instead of trying to repay, they end up ignoring the judgment entirely.
Attorneys deal with this scenario all the time when collecting unpaid judgments. And in most cases, they can deduct owed money from the debtor’s paycheck with wage garnishment. The state of Georgia caps the allowed garnished amount to 25% of the person’s weekly disposable income. And even with the garnishment in place, collecting the entire amount owed could take years.
The Debtor Files to Vacate the Judgment
It’s not uncommon for the debtor to object to the judge’s decision. They may disagree with the owed amount or may even claim that you sued them in error. Instead of paying the judgment, the defendant might file to vacate or annul it.
A debt collection attorney will help you navigate through this situation. Gathering more facts and evidence in your favor will ensure the judgment holds up in a new trial. The debtor might also agree to a voluntary repayment plan or lump sum settlement to avoid another day in court.
The Debtor Refuses to Pay Out of Spite
Some debtors feel personally attacked when the court places a judgment against them. Perhaps they have a personal vendetta against the claimant or just disagree with the decision. Instead of doing the right thing and paying the amount owed, they ignore the judgment entirely.
Of course, this is illegal. However, many claimants don’t know how to proceed when collecting unpaid judgments and walk away empty-handed. Instead of letting the debtor get away with this behavior, it’s better to let an attorney handle the dirty work. A judgment serves as a lien against all the debtor’s property. Your attorney might make levy demands and use assets, like accounts receivables and bank accounts, to enforce a garnishment statute.
Help Collecting Unpaid Judgments
Claimants expect debtors to repay judgments quickly after a ruling. However, it’s not always that easy. Debtors use shady tactics to put off making payments or avoid the judgment altogether. The legal team at Howe & Associates wants to help you get paid. We represent clients seeking debt collection in Georgia. With over 30 years of experience, you can count on us for swift judgment enforcement.
Dealing with a debtor who refuses to pay? Schedule a free consultation with Howe & Associates to get help collecting unpaid judgments.
Small business owners know how difficult debt collection can be. Collecting debts is one of the main failing points many businesses throughout the country experience. One of the main hurdles that small businesses go through is learning how to get money from non-paying clients. However, with a little practice and courage, you may be able to lessen the amount of late payments clients owe your business. Furthermore, it can even help you develop an understanding of when to expect non-payment from a client. And with some planning, you can reduce late payments and come up with a business plan that lets you know the right time to go for a collection.
Effective communication with clients who owe you money can help you settle the debt amicably. However, after five invoices have been sent, phone calls have been made, and emails sent, what more can a small business do to get money from non-paying clients? Do you seek the help of a debt collection law firm?
Fortunately, there are several tools a small business can utilize to collect debt. The following are three ways small businesses can collect debt.
Mediation to Get Money from Non-Paying Clients
First of all, both parties can bring in a neutral third party to assist in reaching an agreement on when the debt will be paid and how. This form of resolving the issue is for parties hoping to remain on good terms. Hence, mediation is a private process. The mediator encourages both parties to be as creative as possible to reach a form of agreement away from the courts. If both parties reach an agreement, the mediator seals the agreement with a written document, which is irrevocable and binding. Both sides often use attorneys to fulfill this role.
Local County and Hot Check Division
Additionally, a business can receive a hot check with non-sufficient funds. This can be devastating; but remember when this occurs that all is not lost. Fortunately, most counties in Atlanta have a hot check division in the local county attorney department. Its job is to return money that non-paying clients owe that they previously refused to pay. This service will help you to get your money. Bring the check to the hot check division after you have contacted the hot check writer and he/she has refused to cooperate. However, you must accurately identify the person who issues you a check by writing the person’s driver license number and state of issuance on the face of the check. Finally, the court will issue a warrant of arrest.
Using The Legal System
It may be necessary to use the court system to get money from non-paying clients. A debt collection lawyer in Atlanta can file your case in court. A court will assist you in establishing a method to retrieve what is owed to you. This route of collection requires you to obtain a judgment from either a district court or the county court with the help of a debt collection firm. The judgment can give you a writ of garnishment. The writ then gives you the authority to collect the sum owed to you from the debtor’s bank account. In addition, a judgment can also give you a writ of execution on personal property, which lets you use a court official to confiscate some kind of property from the debtor.
Each method gives you the ability to collect the debt owed to you and can be rewarding. But there must be a balance between costs and the amount of debt recovered. Perform credit checks and background checks early on to prevent these problems from arising. For more help with getting money from non-paying clients, contact Georgia Debt Collection today.
No matter where you own a business in the United States, there will come a time when one of your clients or customers owe you money and stop making payments. In Atlanta and the entire State of Georgia, when you look at the laws for debt collections you will find that in the majority of cases they favor the consumer. There are creditors laws that do help businesses and companies however, these are not as widely distributed and often not known by most companies. The State of Georgia is no different. Learning the laws governing debt collection in Atlanta and in the state of Georgia is imperative to ensure that you can receive the money owed you. In order to receive the best possible answers available you need to contact an Atlanta Debt Collection Attorney.
Why you need an Atlanta Debt Collection Attorney
The laws governing collecting debt in Atlanta, can be a bit overwhelming to the common business owner. All you really want is the payment for the services or products that are owed to you by one or more of your customers. Every business has some type of plan to contact customers that are late with their payments whether 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, or 120 days. However, some businesses do not really have the time to chase after customers and constantly make demands for payment, as they have to keep providing their service or products to other customers that are paying their payments in a timely manner. When you have contacted a customer that is in arrears with their payment and they still do not send payment or stop answering your telephone calls, you should consider contacting a Georgia Debt Collection Attorney. Some of the common questions that arise from our creditor clients are:
• Can I collect attorneys fees and collection costs on top of the debt
• Can interest be added to the balance due and collected from the debtor
• What is the statute of limitations for a debt collection case in Georgia
• Can I file suit against a debtor with just an oral contract or do I need a written contract
• Should I use a collection agency or a collection lawyer to collect a debt that is owed to me
• Can I file a bank garnishment or wage garnishment
• How do I collect on my judgment against the debtor
• Can I domesticate a judgment in Georgia that I obtained in another state
An Atlanta debt collection lawyer knows the laws in the state that can provide you with the resources you need and can do all the leg work for you. Your experienced Atlanta debt collection attorney will contact the individual or company that owes you money to collect the debt. They will follow every letter of the law to ensure that you receive the money owed as well as do so legally without any mistakes. Remember, there are specific things you cannot do or say in order to collect a debt.
Your Atlanta Debt Collection Attorney
At the Georgia Debt Collection Law Firm of Howe & Associates, we understand how frustrating it can be when a customer refuses to pay for goods for services they received on credit. We provide our clients with the experience of a complete team of paralegals, investigators, and collectors, in order to provide the best results for our clients. Along with doing all the legwork, we also include detailed reporting on each step we take so you know how the progress is going toward collecting what is owed to you. Our comprehensive solution is the best in the area providing you with a team of experts that have proven success.
Our team of professionals stays up to date on all changes in debt collection laws, legislative issues, and even courtroom strategies to provide you with a winning team. We are not just your run of the mill law office that will only go so far to collect debt that is owed to our clients, but when the need arises, will go to court and fight for our clients. Court of course is the last resort but remember your customer does not wish to wind up in court, either.
At this time, we would like to offer our services to you as your Atlanta Debt Collection law firm with a free consultation. At Howe & Associates Debt Collection Law Firm in our Atlanta office, we offer a free consultation to everyone that is need of debt collection help in the state. You can contact one of your professional debt collection attorney’s today at 678-566-6800. The consultation is offered with no obligation for future services.
No matter where you own a business in the United States, there will come a time when one of your clients or customers owe you money and stop making payments. In Atlanta and the entire State of Georgia, when you look at the laws for debt collections you will find that in the majority of cases they favor the consumer. There are creditors laws that do help businesses and companies however, these are not as widely distributed and often not known by most companies. The State of Georgia is no different. Learning the laws governing debt collection in Atlanta and in the state of Georgia is imperative to ensure that you can receive the money owed you. In order to receive the best possible answers available you need to contact an Atlanta Debt Collection Attorney.
Why you need an Atlanta Debt Collection Attorney
The laws governing collecting debt in Atlanta, can be a bit overwhelming to the common business owner. All you really want is the payment for the services or products that are owed to you by one or more of your customers. Every business has some type of plan to contact customers that are late with their payments whether 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, or 120 days. However, some businesses do not really have the time to chase after customers and constantly make demands for payment, as they have to keep providing their service or products to other customers that are paying their payments in a timely manner. When you have contacted a customer that is in arrears with their payment and they still do not send payment or stop answering your telephone calls, you should consider contacting a Georgia Debt Collection Attorney. Some of the common questions that arise from our creditor clients are:
• Can I collect attorneys fees and collection costs on top of the debt
• Can interest be added to the balance due and collected from the debtor
• What is the statute of limitations for a debt collection case in Georgia
• Can I file suit against a debtor with just an oral contract or do I need a written contract
• Should I use a collection agency or a collection lawyer to collect a debt that is owed to me
• Can I file a bank garnishment or wage garnishment
• How do I collect on my judgment against the debtor
• Can I domesticate a judgment in Georgia that I obtained in another state
An Atlanta debt collection lawyer knows the laws in the state that can provide you with the resources you need and can do all the leg work for you. Your experienced Atlanta debt collection attorney will contact the individual or company that owes you money to collect the debt. They will follow every letter of the law to ensure that you receive the money owed as well as do so legally without any mistakes. Remember, there are specific things you cannot do or say in order to collect a debt.
Your Atlanta Debt Collection Attorney
At the Georgia Debt Collection Law Firm of Howe & Associates, we understand how frustrating it can be when a customer refuses to pay for goods for services they received on credit. We provide our clients with the experience of a complete team of paralegals, investigators, and collectors, in order to provide the best results for our clients. Along with doing all the legwork, we also include detailed reporting on each step we take so you know how the progress is going toward collecting what is owed to you. Our comprehensive solution is the best in the area providing you with a team of experts that have proven success.
Our team of professionals stays up to date on all changes in debt collection laws, legislative issues, and even courtroom strategies to provide you with a winning team. We are not just your run of the mill law office that will only go so far to collect debt that is owed to our clients, but when the need arises, will go to court and fight for our clients. Court of course is the last resort but remember your customer does not wish to wind up in court, either.
At this time, we would like to offer our services to you as your Atlanta Debt Collection law firm with a free consultation. At Howe & Associates Debt Collection Law Firm in our Atlanta office, we offer a free consultation to everyone that is need of debt collection help in the state. You can contact one of your professional debt collection attorney’s today at 678-566-6800. The consultation is offered with no obligation for future services.
There’s help to landlords seeking collections on their past due or delinquent rent payments in Georgia. Reviewing some of the steps their debt collection firm takes to prepare and collect on bad debts, is the video topic in review today.
We’ve been in business since 1985 and we’ve handled thousands of cases representing landlords seeking collections on their past due or delinquent rent payments. We are commonly working with them. There are a lot of things that go into the collection process for past due rent payments.
We want to obtain a copy of the lease documents. There are a lot of things in the lease that can help you and serve as a tool for collecting your debt. We’ll take a look at the lease and see what’s in there.
Georgia has provisions that will allow you to add cost of collection and attorney fees if you are required to use an attorney to collect the debt.
We also help new clients make improvements to their existing lease agreements from a debt collection standpoint. Many times you get your rental lease agreements written by an attorney however they might not be a debt collection attorney and not incorporate elements that make the debt collection processes much smoother, faster and reliable. We can add those things into the agreements that will help you collect your debts faster if the renter fails to pay their agreed upon fee.
How can you go about collecting past due loan payments in Georgia? Richard shares some insights into recovering past due loan payments in today’s video.
What is the difference between a debt collection law firm and debt collection agency? Richard clarifies a commonly asked question regarding collection agencies and lawyers.
A collection agency will make demands on the debtor. Often times clients will give a delinquent debt to a collection agency so that they can make demands on the debtor. They will then send demand letters and make demand calls.
The advantage that a collection law firm can provide over a collection agency is that we can provide all of those procedures.
The fact that the debtor gets there first contact directly from a collection law firm as opposed to a collection agency has more impact with the debtor. In addition to that, we can file suit. While we do have collectors on staff and our law firm and the attorneys do make demands, we have the ability to file a lawsuit. Most often filing the law suit is what’s going to result in the recovery the debt.