If your business is dealing with a delinquent customer, it is time to call a debt collection lawyer in Atlanta. Collections are obligations that clients need to honor in a timely matter. Businesses should not ignore clients who do not pay accounts in the time agreed upon. Businesses must pursue collections to survive. The presence of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act may be at hand, but this does not mean that every customer can get away with the practical theft of goods or work provided. If you need to collect a business debt, keep reading for some important information.
A Proven Track Record
If you have a respectable law firm on your side, it will definitely be rewarding. A good debt collection firm with several years of litigation and trial experience will help your business collect a business debt.
A good collection attorney can rapidly help your business solve the loss of profits. Furthermore, the legal professional will make sure that you act as quickly as possible to collect a business debt. A delay can be costly, especially as the interest grows. Most of the customers who owe you money will not be willing to pay for the amount you charge them. This is why you have to act instantly.
People Take Attorneys Seriously
Problem clients respond much faster to an effective debt collection attorney than they do basic requests for payment. They may often disregard payment requests. However, most do not ignore the collections lawyer. This is because they usually take lawyers seriously. Almost every man is afraid to be entwined with lawsuits. So, to be free from those, a problem client may pay to avoid such complications. Lawyers behave with a professional conduct .Therefore, there will be no problem in maintaining the professional image of your company while talking to problem clients and trying to collect a business debt.
Be Proactive When You Need to Collect a Business Debt
Your company needs to be hands-on in collections to avoid complete loss in a client’s bankruptcy. In this case, you should ensure that your business’ collection is never in the pending state. The customer is always right, but they should also be responsible enough to pay their debts. With the help of a collections attorney, there will be someone who is readily available to be proactive in the collections. This guarantees your company’s profitability. There should always be someone who is in charge and someone who is knowledgeable about how to collect a business debt in your company.
If you have numerous outstanding accounts receivables, this can potentially harm your business. This calls for the help and action from a collections attorney to collect a business debt. Protecting the company’s image is as essential as gaining profits, and this is the key if you want your business to thrive.
More cash going out than coming in means you need the services of a debt collections lawyer. A debt collections lawyer can be one of the secrets to the success of your business. Contact Howe and Associates today if you need to collect a business debt.
If a debtor refuses to pay his debts even after the court renders judgment, the next step is establishing garnishment. Creditors cannot automatically garnish wages. Similarly, a creditor cannot seize property without a court order. Debt collection lawyers in Atlanta are experienced in preparing the paperwork for all of these ways to collect on debt.
Debt Collection Attorney Understands Garnishment Laws And Process
When a plaintiff obtains a judgment and the debtor still refuses to pay, the plaintiff can proceed with establishing garnishment. The Muscogee County (Georgia) Sheriff’s Office explains the purpose of garnishment as “to allow plaintiff-creditor to obtain satisfaction of a defendant-debtor obligation to him by reaching assets of the defendant whether debt or property, in the hands of a third-party.” There are certain restrictions and legal terms that may confuse the plaintiff. However, a debt collection law firm deals with these terms and situations on a daily basis.
Establishing Garnishment Through A Debt Collection Lawyer In Atlanta
Whether a plaintiff resides in Atlanta or elsewhere, a debt collection attorney can start the process of establishing garnishment against the debtor once the debtor refuses to pay a judgment. If the debtor fails to file an answer to a summons of garnishment within the 45 day time limit, the creditor may initiate garnishment. The attorney notifies the court, and the garnishment process can proceed. No matter where the defendant is located within the state, garnishment procedures will be the same. Georgia Garnishment Law outlines the process. The Official Code of Georgia, Article 1, under General Provisions, sets forth the law which states that garnishment procedures “shall be uniform in all courts throughout this state.”
Debt Collection Law Firm Specializing In Establishing Garnishment
A debt collection law firm deals with the legal process involved in establishing garnishment on a regular basis. Even though the debtor refuses to respond and pay the plaintiff, the debtor still has rights. The debt collection attorney understands that. And, he will ensure that rights of both plaintiff and debtor are protected throughout the garnishment process. This will decrease the possibility of the court dismissing the case due to a technicality. The lawyer knows what assets are subject to garnishment. An attorney will also be familiar with the exceptions regarding property or monies subject to the garnishment process. He will also know how to proceed to make garnishment reach out-of-state wages. And fortunately, the debt collection attorney can also explain the process of garnishment to the plaintiff in easy-to-understand terms.
Establishing garnishment require the services of qualified attorneys experienced in garnishment proceedings. Most importantly, the attorney can ensure that the courts hold debtors accountable. Contact one of our qualified lawyers to quickly locate the debtor and work on establishing garnishment so that you can finally collect what the debtor owes.
Small business owners know how difficult debt collection can be. Collecting debts is one of the main failing points many businesses throughout the country experience. One of the main hurdles that small businesses go through is learning how to get money from non-paying clients. However, with a little practice and courage, you may be able to lessen the amount of late payments clients owe your business. Furthermore, it can even help you develop an understanding of when to expect non-payment from a client. And with some planning, you can reduce late payments and come up with a business plan that lets you know the right time to go for a collection.
Effective communication with clients who owe you money can help you settle the debt amicably. However, after five invoices have been sent, phone calls have been made, and emails sent, what more can a small business do to get money from non-paying clients? Do you seek the help of a debt collection law firm?
Fortunately, there are several tools a small business can utilize to collect debt. The following are three ways small businesses can collect debt.
Mediation to Get Money from Non-Paying Clients
First of all, both parties can bring in a neutral third party to assist in reaching an agreement on when the debt will be paid and how. This form of resolving the issue is for parties hoping to remain on good terms. Hence, mediation is a private process. The mediator encourages both parties to be as creative as possible to reach a form of agreement away from the courts. If both parties reach an agreement, the mediator seals the agreement with a written document, which is irrevocable and binding. Both sides often use attorneys to fulfill this role.
Local County and Hot Check Division
Additionally, a business can receive a hot check with non-sufficient funds. This can be devastating; but remember when this occurs that all is not lost. Fortunately, most counties in Atlanta have a hot check division in the local county attorney department. Its job is to return money that non-paying clients owe that they previously refused to pay. This service will help you to get your money. Bring the check to the hot check division after you have contacted the hot check writer and he/she has refused to cooperate. However, you must accurately identify the person who issues you a check by writing the person’s driver license number and state of issuance on the face of the check. Finally, the court will issue a warrant of arrest.
Using The Legal System
It may be necessary to use the court system to get money from non-paying clients. A debt collection lawyer in Atlanta can file your case in court. A court will assist you in establishing a method to retrieve what is owed to you. This route of collection requires you to obtain a judgment from either a district court or the county court with the help of a debt collection firm. The judgment can give you a writ of garnishment. The writ then gives you the authority to collect the sum owed to you from the debtor’s bank account. In addition, a judgment can also give you a writ of execution on personal property, which lets you use a court official to confiscate some kind of property from the debtor.
Each method gives you the ability to collect the debt owed to you and can be rewarding. But there must be a balance between costs and the amount of debt recovered. Perform credit checks and background checks early on to prevent these problems from arising. For more help with getting money from non-paying clients, contact Georgia Debt Collection today.
Collecting debt is risky and awkward for everyone involved. The people who owe you money are reluctant to part with funds they may or may not have. Even though it is rightfully yours, asking for the defaulted payment will make ex-customers defensive. Hiring a debt collection attorney in Atlanta puts the pressure of collection on someone else. Viacorp, a website run by engineer-turned-writer Jim Heath, posted a book about alternate routes to help business debts get collected. You can negotiate terms, make house calls, or hire a debt collection lawyer in.
Negotiating Helps Business Debts Get Collected
Negotiating may not get you all of your money. However, it is a way out for proud or poor debtors who want to pay you back but cannot. Instead of losing all your money to someone who will forever put off the bill, you can get a large portion. Better yet, you can negotiate a payment plan that works for both of you. Try sending a letter letting the person know that you are willing to discuss his or her defaulted payment. People are much more willing to make small installments over time than to give one lump sum away when they cannot afford to. Some are willing to settle on a small, one-time payment just to get you to stop calling.
Make a House Call to Collect Your Debts
If negotiating does not work, you can take your tactics one step further and make a house call. People are able to dodge your calls or “lose” your letters in the mail. However, when you show up at their doorsteps, it will be hard to turn you away. It is important to remain calm and friendly when you make a house call. You are not trying to strong-arm them, though you are effectively placing them in a situation that makes it difficult for them to say no. Face-to-face confrontation is more than most people can handle. Some will pay their debts to be relieved of social anxiety. Some people will try to solve their debt a different way. They may make false accusations or use intimidation. Sending a representative instead of going yourself keeps the process of getting business debts collected professional.
Hire a Debt Collection Law Firm
The most professional route for business debts to get collected, and often the most effective, is to hire a debt collection law firm. A Forbes article addressed the pros of debt collection firms and what to look for in one. A specialist comes with experience. They know how to handle people, and they know the best tactic to use for each situation. Hiring someone else also holds much less risk than collecting your defaulted payments yourself. A debt collection firm is an objective outsider and no one can accuse them of harassing someone whom the firm has no emotional investment in. They are there to do a job and are well-known for being effective.
Business Debts Get Collected with a Debt Collection Attorney in Atlanta
Whether you hire a debt collection attorney in Atlanta or do the job yourself, there is plenty of help out there. Debt collection blogs like this one offer valuable advice that you can use to further your own negotiations. Keep in mind that the people who owe you money are often just as willing to get this over with as you are. You should hold them accountable for the payments they neglected. That does not mean you need to intimidate them, but it does mean that you need to be serious. At Howe & Associates, we handle all business debt collections professionally. If you need help to get your business debts collected, contact us today.
Collecting an Awarded Judgment
When a Georgia business obtains a final judgment, a debt collection lawyer can help enforce that judgment. The plaintiff can attempt to collect on the judgment by relying on the services of a debt collection law firm. The law firm can ensure proper collection procedures. Hence, the prevailing party receives the entitled recovery. When a Georgia court renders a judgment for a party, that party is entitled to use the services of counsel to collect the total awarded amount.
Debt Collection Practices Are Outlined By The State Laws Of Georgia
A Georgia collection firm can enforce a valid judgment against the party owing the money. Occasionally, the court reduces the judgment to a judgment lien.This lien then attaches to the debtor’s property and allows for the sale of the property. The courts will then use the proceeds of the sale to satisfy the amount remaining unpaid from the judgment. The best way to have the matter settled is through the use of a debt collection law firm. A law firm will know and follow the procedures of Georgia state law regarding judgments.
Collecting On A Judgment After The Judgment Has Been Rendered Final
A thorough Georgia attorney can take the necessary procedural steps to ensure that a judgment is properly perfected and enforceable. The collection attorney will take steps to make sure that the debtor pays the entire judgment. And after the debtor pays the judgment, the attorney will then take additional steps to release the judgment. This way, an open judgment does not remain on the books.
A debt collection expert will use all permissible means of debt collection authorized by Georgia. The attorneys will use judgment collection and enforcement procedures to get the maximum possible recovery in response to judgment collection efforts. So, contact one of our debt collection attorneys today to collect your unpaid debts.
It is uncommon, but it is part of a business’ reality when customers have no intention to pay. You may have performed all kinds of ways to reach out to them: sending letters, calling their phones, or you may have conversed with them in person. When customers’ accounts continue to be delinquent and there is a huge possibility that you cannot get your money, it is definitely time to call a debt collection lawyer in Atlanta.
With a huge number of companies in Atlanta, it is difficult to find a trustworthy debt collection law firm. However, this does not mean that it is impossible for you to find the right one for the job. The first thing that you have to do is to make sure that you do your research first. Before you commit to a lawyer, you should always check his background as well as the company he represents.
You should also understand that debt collection lawyers have their own specialties. Talk to the lawyer you think is the right person for the job and find out whether or not he already handled a case similar to yours. It is also a smart move to dive a little deeper into the qualifications of this particular professional. Do not be afraid to ask questions especially since you will be paying this lawyer. You should always get your money’s worth in the end.
The most important role of a debt collection lawyer is to help you out in case of a financial dispute. This is why you should be wise enough to find the best debt collection attorney in Atlanta so that you eventually win the case. Only a qualified attorney will be able to provide you with a sound advice as to whether or not you should pursue litigation. If this alone is something that your chosen lawyer could not provide, then he or she is wasting your time and money. There are also cases in which the attorney does not really have to go into court over a customer’s debt. Your chosen lawyer should be honest about this to you because some situations only call for credit counseling, which can actually ease the worries of both parties.
It is a misconception that attorneys are only made for court battles. As a matter of fact, a good debt collection law firm should be able to provide you with an expert attorney who is advocate of discharging the debt, if possible. Otherwise, he or she can help you create a restructured payment plan for your delinquent customer. This can be really helpful especially if the customer is going through a tough time with his own financial state.
As you search for the right lawyer to help you get back your losses because of a delinquent customer, it is important that you know the difference between a collection agency and a debt collection firm. While both may help you receive the money that was unpaid for some time as well as the interest charges if there are, an agency cannot represent your legal rights. The attorney will help you during the first stage of the debt collection where your company requests for payment from the customer. However, this is not the only thing that he or she will do for you. When things turn out to be worse than they are and the other party decides to pursue legal action, you have an attorney to help you out.
A good debt collection lawyer in Atlanta is what you need to help protect your business’ finances. Never settle for the ones that charge low fees. Always be prepared to do some research as this will be valuable in the end.