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Tag: lien attorney in atlanta

Your best asset in financial situations threatening court filing is a lien attorney in Atlanta. Therefore, this would be the recommended first call. An attorney can help clients find effective solutions to overwhelming problems. One such problem is threatened liens being attached to your personal property. There are legal steps that must be taken after a court-approved judgment. However, there are some threats that an experienced attorney can keep from happening.

Judgment Liens

As part of a court-approved judgment or settlement, a judgment lien gives a creditor the right to get a debt payment. And, under these circumstances, it is wise to contact a lien attorney in Atlanta experienced in debt collection. Consequently, your real estate and personal property like jewelry, art, valuables and vehicles can be sold. And, the monies from the sales will provide payment for overdue debt in the court ordered amount. At your first meeting, you can address the issue of how to avoid losing your property and valuables. It is important to begin work on protecting as much as you can and to begin to legally settle your debt problems.

First of all, a creditor files the judgment with the Georgia Superior Court clerk. Then the clerk records the judgment and keeps the information on record for seven years.  This strike against your credit can haunt you for seven years.. The best practice would be to seek debt advice from a lien attorney in Atlanta before it gets to court. If your situation is already beyond that, it is strongly recommended that you get legal advice as quickly as possible.

Debt Consolidation or Negotiation

Sadly, the debt problem has greatly increased in these economically traumatic times. And, many families in Georgia are one paycheck away from serious debt. To compound this situation, many people have to pay their own medical expenses or use Cobra. This can be a monthly cost of $900 to $1,200 per month. Most people don’t even qualify for that amount in monthly unemployment. Once you know you will be out of work, you should immediately seek legal help. A lien attorney in Atlanta can help with reliable budgeting assistance and debt consolidation or negotiation. Furthermore, it will be an emotional time, and families that need financial assistance must quickly get all their paperwork in order.

Making an appointment with a professional lien attorney in Atlanta will help you face possible home and property loss. Your lawyer will ask you questions that can help bring out options you haven’t considered. And, there may be solutions to your financial situation you are not aware of. A lien attorney will perhaps know of short term and long term fixes. Also, creditors will deal differently with a legal representative; so, save yourself telephone and mailbox harassment. Once a creditor is contacted by a lawyer, all communication will go through the law offices. Therefore, you will receive no more phone calls and no more threats.

Get Help from a Lien Attorney in Atlanta

Established in 1985, Howe & Associates Debt Collection Civil Trial Law Firm represents victims in all debt collection cases. Howe & Associates have a combined 120 years of litigation and trial experience. And, peers in the legal profession recognize the firm’s lawyers as top legal counsel. Contact a lien attorney in Atlanta to get help today.


As a business, you must collect your debts. This is an integral part of owning a business, as this is the profit that you are expecting. One step you can take to help collect outstanding business debts is to contact a lien attorney. There are a few reasons to go with them when you need to collect.

A Lien Attorney Understands the Laws

There are many laws to think about when it comes to debt collection. It is not a simple process. And, unless you have the time to learn the law inside and out, it is best left to the professionals. They will look at each case to determine what the appropriate course of action is. This will ensure that you get the best return.

They Provide the Best Counsel

The best reason to go with a lien attorney is that they offer the best advice. They have studied the law and understand its intricate nature. And when you choose an attorney who specializes in debt collection, you will get the best advice on how to collect your debts.

Save Yourself Time & Money

Another thing to consider when collecting debts is that a lien lawyer will be able to save you time and money. This is because they understand what you need to do in order to collect the debt. They can take care of it in a minimal amount of time, and you will see a more significant percentage of debtors pay their accounts. When you add up the amount that you would have to pay your employees to handle this and the percentage of paid accounts, you will see that it is much more beneficial to have an attorney handle this for you. Also, it will not cost you as much as you think to have a lawyer take on the case.

Get a Judgement Against Your Debtor

When it comes to hiring a lien attorney, it is definitely worth the investment. They will be able to, at the very minimum, get a court judgment stating that you are entitled to payment. This will allow you to put a lien on the person and have a judgment against them.

Many people are under the false notion that this has no value. The truth is that it is beneficial in many ways. You will find that putting a lien on someone may mean that they must pay it off before certain things can happen. The debtor would need to pay the lien before buying a house or even possibly getting a driver’s license. It will also affect their credit score; so, if they want to improve their credit, they must pay this off. Along with this, it is often something that can be paid off or put on a payment arrangement if the person goes through bankruptcy.

Debt Collection with Howe & Associates

There are many reasons to call a lien attorney instead of going with a debt collection company or trying to do the collections on your own. Remember that a letter from an attorney will always seem more authoritative than the one you do yourself or even one from a debt collection company. Contact Howe & Associates today to get started on collecting outstanding debts.