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Tag: Bankruptcy

Every case is different, but at Howe & Associates, we have refined our business debt collection process over 30 years of civil trial experience. Each case has had different facts and circumstances; so, since every case is different, our procedures which have been established over 30 years have been refined.

We Follow an Experienced Course of Legal Action

  1. First of all, we take an aggressive posture on our demands. We have collectors and attorneys that make demand calls. We send a series of demand letters, and all the while, we’re contacting our client to let them know what response the debtor has made.
  2. Secondly, we conduct in-depth investigations. We do title searches and asset searches. We look at court records to see if there are any other judgments or any other creditors that are also pursuing this debtor.
  3. And finally, we report back to you on our findings.

Our general approach is one of taking an aggressive stance early on in and maintaining that until your business debt collection recovery is complete.

Should You File a Lawsuit to Collect Business Debt?

We like to use all of our years of experience and doing everything we can to collect the debt up front. However, if the debt cannot be collected amicably we do recommend filing a lawsuit. If we can find that the debtor has a good address, we can serve him with the summons and complaint.

Do Our Rates Ever Change?

Our business debt collection rate stays the same. It does not change in those cases that go to trial. No matter how much work we do, we will litigate the case in order to obtain a recovery.

Basic Business Debt Collection Case Phases

  • Amicable collection with demands
  • Collection Calls
  • Collection Letters

If the debtor is ignoring these basic collection demands, then we’ll recommend filing a lawsuit. We will file the lawsuit and a work toward obtaining a judgment. Then we’ll proceed with judgment collections if the debtor has still not paid.

Howe & Associates Uses the Best Practices for Business Debt Collection

Howe & Associates has been involved in business debt collection since 1985. Find out why our experience and value make our law firm the best choice to handle your collection case. Contact one of our debt collection attorneys today.